P R E C I O U S     

For earth. For life.

In these times of crisis, with daily life being restricted, I sought a way to reflect upon and express the sense of isolation and vulnerability that has been imposed upon me. Building on a previous project, I began collecting bouquets of flowers that are past their sell-by date and soon to be discarded. Visibly withered, drained and neglected, each flower’s imperfection revealed a history, character and expression which provoked a sense of empathy that stoically resists being ignored or reduced. Consequently, like the flowers themselves, the resultant works don’t exalt perfection. Instead, each portrait is made personal and altogether too relatable for comfort, by the recognition of the universal vulnerability and co-dependency that is shared with, and represented by the subject.

In Corona confiment, 17 March 2020

100 x 135 cm Velin Museum Rag. Edition 10.